Monday, August 24, 2009

CSUS August 2009 Newsletter


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below to see it:

In this issue:
- Christian Surfers at the US Open!
- 100 Partners
- National Conference
- Send stories, videos, etc...
- Chapter in Focus: Galveston, Texas
- CSUS Board Member on a mission
- Surf Expo
- ESA Easterns

Christian Surfers at the US Open!
The 2009 Hurley US Open of Surfing was the best contest
Huntington Beach has seen in years! The over 400,000 people who
attended experienced firsthand world class surfing, along with
the surf culture and lifestyle most dream about.

In the midst of this larger than life event, a small 10×10 booth
carried a message of hope for a culture that is longing for
meaning and purpose. Christian Surfers
[], Walking on Water
[], Cobian Sandals
[], Truth Soul Armor
[] and Maxx Digital
[] "united " to meet this need. Our 50
missionaries armed with boxes of Joey Buran's LIFT magazine and
Bethany Hamilton's DVD, were able to gift thousands of people
with free swag that is geared to help people overcome adversity
and search for the real reason they were created.

Special thanks to our missions team who worked relentlessly for 4
days in reaching out to the surfing community. They served in
love where and when needed with the hope to expand the heavenly
kingdom. Stay tuned in the weeks ahead for video interviews with
some top names in our sport at

100 Partners
Become a 100 Partner!

We are seeking people who have a heart for missions and a desire
to see changed lives in the surfing community of the United
States and worldwide.

By investing $100.00 per month, you will enable Christian Surfers

United States to reach this large people group and tangibly
this mission field in our own backyard. This act of love can be
revolutionary in the surfing culture. It's time to act now!

CLICK to learn more!

National Conference
Heads up, it's August and the CSUS Conference is right around the
corner! With the best crew ever to fellowship with, the
celebration of 25 years of CSUS, prime Santa Ana wind season as
well as El Nino being forecasted for the Pacific this is a year
you can't miss!


Send stories, videos, etc...
Here's a call to all you CS members out there to pick up a
camera, video your buddy and send it in to the National Office.
and ask your CS friend the 5 questions from the 5? series and
send it in. If we like it we'll post the video on the CS

Any testimony videos are welcome as well!

Chapter in Focus: Galveston, Texas
What's it like being a surfer from Texas? First, everyone
thinks you surf behind supertankers because there aren't any
waves in Texas, right? Well, 200 days a year waves are breaking
in Texas and 99% of Texas surfers have never surfed behind a

The Galveston CSUS chapter started in 03' in the wake of an
Outsiders movie showing. A unique leadership group made up of
multiple denominations and churches, they embody what God can do
in a group of Christian Surfers that operate in unity. Hurricane
Ike tested their mettle but through it they were able to love on
the other Texas residents and surfers. Check out more of what
Jay has to say HERE [].

CSUS Board Member on a mission
Check out CSUS Board Member Lyle Castellaw and his family as they
head for Indo on an amazing opportunity. Please pray as they
will be living for Jesus in Indo from Aug 2 until Aug 20. Read
more here. []

Surf Expo
CS Outreach going down in Orlando the 20th-22nd of August.

Email here to find out how to volunteer!

ESA Easterns
We need volunteers for the Easterns! This year there will be
free housing provided for those who serve. Email here for more
info! []